hazing urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary: You've Been Hazed t-shirts, mugs and magnets.
hazing urban dictionary
Thesaurus for hazing - Urban Dictionary.The act of the ejaculating on yourself, or something else, while you are under the influence of marijuana.
An annoying collection of insecure guys who need help getting laid. No one outside of a frat cares about them, everyone in a frat thinks it is the.
The pledges are usually hazed a little and they learn the house rituals.. A moronic hazing ritual that requires new pledges of a fraternity to slide naked down a.
urban dictionary (revised) Order on Amazon or B&N. mo' urban dictionary Order on Amazon. Lucy: I have to agree, i couldnt feel more hazed these days.
When one or usually up to three individuals have induced or consumed in any physically possible way an unusually huge amount of marijuana, so that.
Oct 10, 2012. When you are just buzzed and just high enough to feel two times as good as when sober but are not too drunk to drive or function on a medium.
Urban Dictionary: Hazed it t-shirts, mugs and magnets.
Urban Dictionary: psychotechnical weapons.
Urban Dictionary: dailygrace.
Urban Dictionary: Hazed.
Urban Thesaurus: HAZED - Urban Dictionary.
Often a group of individuals in college or high school. A group of "Seniors" can pick out weaker freshmen and involve them into humiliating or sexu.
A small city with a large university and is dope as fuck. People make fun of it as a hippie town, but seem to have no trouble coming to take part i.