emergence delirium propofol

General Anesthetics: Advances in Research and Application: 2011. - Google Books Result.
emergence delirium propofol
Metabolic Patterns of Propofol, Sevoflurane Differ in Children - Pri-Med.Comparison of propofol and fentanyl administered at the end of.
Emergence delirium in children: a randomized trial to compare total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil to inhalational sevoflurane anesthesia.
Aug 20, 2010. The administration of a single dose of propofol is reported to be effective in .. Pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium (PAED) scale at 5 (T5).
Although delirium caused by midazolam or propofol in different patients has been .. Under normal circumstances, delirium tends to occur when patients emerge.
Pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium (PAED) scale at 5 (T5), 15 (. The effect of propofol on emergence agitation in children receiving sevoflurane for.
Metabolomic Profiling of Children's Brains. - ResearchGate.
Meyer Clinical Research - UWSMPH - Department of Anesthesiology.
Figure 2: Pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium (PAED) scale at.
Jun 15, 2009. Volatile anesthetics have been associated with emergence delirium in children, whereas the use of propofol for anesthetic maintenance has.
Mar 8, 2013. Emergence delirium in children: a randomized trial to compare total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil to inhalational.
Propofol or Fentanyl for Prevention of Emergence Agitation.